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Our Corporate Partners Honoured at IBF Distinction Evening 2019

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The IHRP team gives our heartiest congratulations to our corporate partners, DBS, Citibank Singapore & OCBC Bank for winning the IBF Workforce Transformation Award, at the IBF Distinction Evening 2019 —where the Skills Framework for Financial Services was also unveiled.

The winners shared their thoughts on their win here.

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Citibank Singapore:

Jorge Osorio, CHRO of Citibank Singapore shared with us,

“Over 300 of our staff are undergoing the Professional Conversion Programme (PCP), which seeks to promote professional growth in a financial landscape being transformed by technology, with another 100 starting their training soon. From a variety of roles, they have developed skills in customer journey mapping, design thinking, automation and cybersecurity, all of which are increasingly important today.

The PCP has enabled staff like Lena Yuan to take on an expanded role, using digital tools to assist clients in solving their banking issues. Not only has this been beneficial for our clients as they get quicker and more effective solutions, Lena herself has developed deeper job satisfaction from expanding her skillset.

We will continue to strive in ensuring our employees are future compatible and able to take on the opportunities that the digital economy brings.”

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OCBC Bank:

On OCBC’s win, Jason Ho, Head of Group Human Resources, Jason beamed: “At OCBC, we are committed to raise the capabilities of our employees. Whether it is improving efficiencies, reskilling employees in roles that are undergoing transformation to take on expanded jobs, or new jobs in new functions, we want to ensure that all our employees are future smart and future-ready. I am exceptionally proud of the team and the good work they’ve done and we continue this journey together as a team and as a bank.”

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