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Competency Assessment: CA HRL1 Sample Questions

Certification level: IHRP-CA

Duration 2 hours
  • Functional Competencies:
    Plan, Attract, Develop, Engage, Separate


  • Foundation Competencies:
    Analytics and Insights
    Relationships and Communications
    Technology and Ops Excellence
    Employment Policies and Legislations
Reference Materials More information will be provided at a later date.
Structure 90 MCQs
Format Closed-book assessment, knowledge-based questions focusing on the foundational and functional competencies that a HR professional should have to effectively carry out their role.

To help you prepare for your IHRP Certification assessment, view sample multiple-choice questions for CA HRL1.

Question 1

Which of the following would be MOSTeffective in obtaining buy-in from senior leadership, for the investment in a new HR Information System (HRIS)?

A Align the benefits of the new HRIS with the overall business goals
B Invite the different HRIS vendors to present their solutions to the senior leaders
C Use past years’ strong KPI results to convince management of the usefulness of the new HRIS
D Perform competitive benchmarking on competitors’ HRIS

A. Senior leaders are most concerned over the overall business goals.  Hence by demonstrating how the new HRIS benefits the overall goals, senior leaders are more likely to invest in the HRIS.

Question 2

Which of the following does NOTindicate that a manager may be making hiring decisions based on biases?

A Successful candidates are similar to the manager in terms of demographic characteristics such as gender, age, race, etc.
B The manager uses results from personality tests to make hiring decisions
C The manager believes that the first 5 minutes of an interview are decisive
D The manager hires candidates based on the reputation of their university degree

B. This is not a cognitive bias as personality do affect one’s capability to perform a job to a certain extent. For example, an individual who is high on extraversion is more likely to succeed as a salesperson compared to the individual who is more introverted.

Get Certified

The IHRP certification is a holistic assessment that ensures HR professionals have the requisite
HR knowledge, skills and attributes to excel in their job roles.