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Competency Assessment: ​Paper A Sample Questions

Competency Assessment: LLP Sample Questions

Certification level: IHRP-CA, IHRP-CP, IHRP-SP

Duration 90 minutes
Coverage Labour policies and legislation:

  • Employment Act
  • Employment of Foreign Manpower Act
  • Work Pass rules
  • Fair Consideration Framework (FCF)
  • Central Provident Fund (CPF)
  • IR Act (including Tripartism and Employee Relations)
  • Retirement and Re-employment Act
  • Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA)
Reference Materials
Structure 30 MCQs
  • Open-book assessment (links to the respective legislations will be provided).
  • Legislation will be covered in the context of a Situational Judgement Test (SJT) and will be application-based. Hence, you don’t need to memorise the labour policies and legislations.

To help you prepare for your IHRP Certification assessment, view sample multiple-choice questions for LLP.

Question 1

Easil Pte Ltd is in financial difficulties which resulted in a 3-month delay in the salary payments to its employees. Jerome, an employee with a monthly salary of $3,500 per month, has decided to leave the company without serving notice, but the company insists on him staying on. The salary pay day is the last working day of each month.

Can the employment contract be deemed as broken in this situation?

A Yes, Easil Pte Ltd broke the employment contract when the company failed to make the salary payment within seven days after the salary is due.
B No, even though the contract of service has been broken by Easil Pte Ltd, Jerome would be required to serve notice.
C Yes, as the company did not pay him on the last working day of the month.
D No, companies in financial difficulties are allowed under the Employment Act to delay salary payments up to 4 months.

A. Yes, Easil Pte Ltd broke the employment contract when the company failed to make the salary payment within seven days after the salary is due.

Question 2

Your company is working with a recruitment agency to hire the most qualified and suitable candidate to fill the post of a Real Estate Analyst. The hiring manager when briefing the recruiter lists down the following criteria:

  • Overseas graduate with overseas working experience
  • Native English speaker only
  • Able to commit to long work hours

What should the company do to ensure that the selection process is non-discriminatory? 

A The hiring manager should indicate the relevant skills and work experiences required for the position, instead of the location of the candidates’ previous jobs.
B Demonstrate that the role requires someone creative and that overseas graduates tend to be exposed to more external factors thus they would fit the bill.
C Ask the candidate on the current working hours and family commitment to find out ability to work long hours.
D Explain that the job requires extensive research and reporting, hence the requirement for native English speakers.

 The hiring manager should indicate the relevant skills and work experiences required for the position, instead of the location of the candidates’ previous jobs.

Try out additional Paper A questions here.

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