
Our system will be undergoing routine maintenance on 29 May 2024, Wednesday, from 6.00pm onwards. During this period, you will not be able to log in to the IHRP Portal. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. We will update when the portal is back. Thank you.

IHRP Statement – End of Circuit Breaker

The government has recently unveiled a 3-phase plan to lift Circuit Breaker measures after 1 June. The relevant advisories are:

End of Circuit Breaker, Phased Approach to Resuming Activities Safely
Ministry of Health

Ministry of Trade and Industry

IHRP urges businesses to proceed with caution in Phase 1, where many existing restrictions will continue. This will keep our workplaces safe and workers protected from the likely rise in new community cases, as more activities and interactions increase post-Circuit Breaker.

  • Come June 2, not all businesses will be allowed to resume
    The list of permitted services that will be allowed to resume operations in Phase 1 can be found here. Businesses must submit manpower details of employees allowed to resume work at the workplace within two weeks of the date of resumption of operations via the GoBusiness portal. This is a requirement over and above the class exemptions that MTI will grant these businesses to resume operations[1].
  • The default arrangement for all businesses should continue to be Work-From-Home (WFH).
    This should be the case for all business, including those that are permitted to resume operations in Phases 1 and 2. Tele-commuting should be adopted to the maximum extent. Those who have been working from home so far should continue to do so.
  • Employers must also put in place and enforce safe management measures at the workplace, and employees must adhere strictly to them.
  • MOM will continue to conduct site inspections at workplaces or offices to ensure that telecommuting is adopted to the maximum extent and the onus is on the business to prove that work needs to be done on-site[2].

There are no guidelines on density per site, only that strict precautionary measures must be adhered, including safe distancing practices. Businesses who do not provide a safe workplace, ensure WFH where possible, or whose workers do not adhere to safe management measures, may have to close their workplaces.

IHRP will continue to post regular updates on our COVID resources webpage and on IHRP-Connect (exclusively for IHRP Certified HR Professionals). Do check-out the latest templates designed specifically for communicating the latest measures and its implications to your organisation.

[1] Businesses must submit their manpower details via the portal within 2 weeks of the date of resumption of operations. The manpower details submission is for notification purposes and not for approval purposes (i.e. businesses who fall in the Phase 1 category can go ahead to resume operations by June 2)

[2] Employees should go to the office only where it is demonstrably necessary, e.g. to access specialised systems/equipment that cannot be accessed from home, or to fulfil legal requirements (e.g. to complete contracts or transactions).